Know Your Bible Videos

Mystery Of The Nephilim Revealed
Mystery Of The Nephilim Revealed

The book of Genesis in the Bible contains the account of beings known as the Nephilim, also called Giants. These were the legendary heroic characters of the ancient world, the offspring of the union between the sons of God and the daughters of men. Today there is much speculation among Christians about the origin of the Nephilim. Who were these ancient legendary sons of God? Were they simply human beings, or could they have had a demonic origin, could they have been the hybrid offspring of the union between human women and fallen angels? In this study we examine evidence from the Bible, from the Book of Enoch and from Archaeology to discover the true origin of the Nephilim. Join us as the mystery of the Nephilim is revealed!

The Point Of No Return
The Point Of No Return

As Christians living in these end times, it is vitally important that we know if we are right with God. Many today think they are saved when actually the opposite may be true. We each need to search our hearts and be truthful with what we find there. Are we ready for Jesus to return, or, are we heading for the Point of no Return?

An Exceeding Great Army
An Exceeding Great Army

Something that should never happen to God’s people happened to the ancient nation of Israel. The nation crumbled as it turned from God, and all people, rich and poor alike, became enslaved under Babylonian power. This was a time when all hope for the people appeared to be lost. Throughout the Bible God constantly warns that such events will take place, especially during the final days of earth’s history, the days in which you and I are now living. But God does not leave His people to perish, for those who turn to Him and are willing to follow Him, he will lead them to victory, to Heaven, and life everlasting. This study looks at the Exceeding Great Army that God raises up just prior to the second coming of His Son Jesus. Will you and I be a part of that Exceeding Great Army? Take your Bible and ask for God’s Spirit to guide and direct you into all truth as we study this vitally important question.

On The Borders Of God's Kingdom
On The Borders Of God's Kingdom

The Bible tells us that we will repeat history, that there is nothing new under the sun. We are on the borders of the Heavenly Kingdom; Christ is soon to come and those who are ready will move from this sin-filled earth to a sin-free Heavenly Kingdom. Are we ready, or are we, like the Israelites of old, still procrastinating on the borders of God’s Kingdom?

Is Your Name Peter?
Is Your Name Peter?

Simon Peter was one of the first followers of Jesus. He was an outspoken and ardent disciple, one of Jesus’ closest friends. Peter was enthusiastic, strong-willed, impulsive, and, at times, brash. But for all his strengths, Peter had several failings in his life. Still, the Lord who chose him continued to mould him into exactly who He intended Peter to be. It is well for us to study the life of Peter. Do we have any of his traits, are we, like Peter was, ardent and sure of our faith, only to fail when tested? Could your name be Peter?

Who's Pulling Your Strings?
Who's Pulling Your Strings?

As a follow on from our video "Darkness Before Dawn" we are taking a brief look at how things have progressed and escalated since the lockdowns began back in March 2020, what we have seen already, and what we can expect to see in the near future. Life for everyone has changed dramatically. The rapid and increasing erosion of free speech and personal liberty should give everyone cause for serious concern. We need to be aware of what is going on and what we believe can be expected in the coming months of this earth's history, knowing and remembering that whatever happens, ultimately God is in control.

The Almost Forgotten Day
The Almost Forgotten Day

The majority of Christians go to church on Sunday believing this to be the day that God would have them worship on as His holy day. But what the majority don’t know is, there is an almost forgotten day, a day that God did actually sanctify and make holy, a day to be set apart from all others, a day to rest from work and worship Him, and it is not Sunday. As we have shown in many of our videos, the end time events and the final great test for God’s faithful people will be regarding worship, specifically who you worship and when. If you are a sincere seeker of truth, we invite you to open your Bible, pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit and let the Bible reveal God’s Almost Forgotten Day.

Darkness Before Dawn
Darkness Before Dawn

Looking at the world today we can see that we are certainly living in unprecedented times, uncertainty and fear are affecting many of us. During this time of isolation we should take the opportunity that perhaps we don't always have, of studying God's word, drawing ever closer to Him, preparing for the soon coming of our Lord and the testing times that lie ahead. This should be the most important thing that we focus on. However, understanding as best we can this world's hidden agenda will help us to understand the current situation that we now find ourselves living in.

The Silence of God
Sodom Rises

Looking at the world today we can see that the majority of people tolerate and accept whatever is presented to them, calling good evil and evil good. When nations grow so corrupt, when sex is so brazenly put on display and advertised, and when morality becomes a thing of the past, then it's a sure sign that those nations are becoming just like the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, and we well know what happened to them...they suffered the judgment of God for their wickedness and were wiped from the face of the earth forever!.

The Silence of God
The Silence of God

Have you experienced times when God seems silent, times when God seems not to hear, not to answer, not to care? This is something that each one of us has or will experience in our lives and as a Christian it is one of the biggest tests we have to face. In this video we will look at others who have experienced this silence and had their faith tested as ours will be, when we experience the Silence of God.

The Reformation Is Far From Over
The Reformation Is Far From Over

Roman Catholicism is now regarded by Protestants with far greater favour than in former years. There is an increasing indifference concerning the doctrines that originally separated the Protestant churches from Rome, resulting in many Protestants reaching their hands across the gulf to clasp the hand of Rome. Most Christians do not know the history of how their church was formed and many do not care. We are heading speedily toward the enforcement of the Mark of the Beast, and the things which the Protestant Reformers stood for should be even more important today than they were back then. Our eternal salvation depends on keeping the flame of the Reformation burning because, contrary to appearances, Rome never changes!

You Reap What You Sow
You Reap What You Sow

Everything that we do has repercussions, it comes back to us one way or another. All of our actions have consequences and we cannot escape the consequences of our actions. We must never be fooled into thinking that we can get away with bad choices even if we don't seem to get caught. God is not mocked, He sees and knows all, and we will reap whatever we sow.

Who's Tongue Do You Speak With
Who's Tongue Do You Speak With

Many sincere Christians, who love the Lord, believe that speaking in tongues is an essential gift from God, and that if you don't speak in tongues then you don't have the Holy Spirit. Is this the correct view of the gift of tongues? What and how do people speak in tongues? Do we lack the gift of the Holy Spirit if we do not speak in tongues? Let’s see what the Bible says about this as we undertake a Biblical analysis of this diverse and sometimes controversial subject.

The Tribulation
The Tribulation

Just prior to the second coming of Jesus the Bible speaks of a time of trouble such as never was - the tribulation. This subject causes much debate. Do God's people go through this time of trouble, or do they escape from it? What does the Bible say? Comparing scripture with scripture we will see if indeed we as God's people escape from this time, or remain on earth to pass through earth’s final great crisis.

Christ Our Saviour
Christ Our Saviour

As human beings we are all children of the first man Adam, and because Adam sinned, because He broke God’s eternal law, we all became partakers of that sin, we all inherit Adam’s fallen nature, a nature that is separated from God. We are born into this world guilty and separated from God by sin, and we also inherit the just penalty of that sin - eternal death, eternal separation from God. In this presentation we examine the wonderful provision that God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ in their great love for us have together provided to free us all from that sentence of death. We see how faith in Christ makes it possible for us to be forgiven, to be pardoned, to be reconciled to God, to be counted righteous before God, to be adopted into His royal family as His children. We see also how faith and trust in Christ empowers us to live the same perfect life of obedience to God’s eternal law that Christ Himself lived. Christ is knocking at the door of your heart – will you open the door and invite Him in today so that He can give you the free gift of eternal life?

Will You Be in the Rapture?
Will You Be in the Rapture?

The rapture has been the hope of millions of Christians down through the ages. However there are now many differing views among Christians regarding Christ's return - the exact meaning, timing and impact of the event are all disputed, including whether it will occur in one event or two. For the truth we must look to God and not to man. What is the Biblical evidence, what does the word of God say, and most importantly – Will You Be in the Rapture?

The Exodus in Our Day
The Exodus in Our Day

What does the Bible story of the Exodus have to do with us living in the 21st century? Like so many of the stories in the Bible, the Exodus is far more than simply a story, it was written as an example for us, it contains many lessons and has many parallels to our lives today as we move towards the close of time. Just as God rescued His people the Israelites from bondage and slavery in ancient Egypt and led them through the wilderness of Sinai to the literal promised land of Canaan, so God today seeks to rescue His people, spiritual Israel, from bondage and slavery to sin and worldliness, and leads them through wilderness experiences to their promised land, the heavenly Canaan. Likewise just as Pharaoh’s heart was hardened and he sought to annihilate God’s people, so the powers existing in our time today will seek to do the same to God’s last-day people as we enter into the final closing moments of earth’s history. We will see that the plagues which fell on the ancient Egyptians are a type of the plagues that will fall on the wicked at the end of time, and how, like Moses, we each must pass through a wilderness experience to find God and be taught to follow His will.

The Laws & the Feasts
The Laws & the Feasts

There is much confusion about the different kinds of law that God gave to Israel in the old testament. Many believe that the ten commandments, God's moral law, came to an end when Jesus was crucified. Some believe that Christians today have an obligation to observe the annual feasts of the Jewish ceremonial system. Is this what the Bible really teaches? Are the ten commandment still binding on humanity? Should Christians be observing the Jewish feast days? What came to an end at the cross? In this study we examine the different kinds of law given to Israel, and their purpose. We examine the significance of the seven annual Jewish feasts and see how these relate to the gospel and to Christians, as spiritual Israel, today.

Heaven is for Real
Heaven is for Real

Many people claim to have had visions of the afterlife during near-death experiences, some even claim to have visited heaven and to have seen deceased relatives there. Are these experiences genuine? Can they be trusted? In this study we compare these experiences with what the Bible teaches about heaven, death and the afterlife.

Why Believe in Jesus
Why Believe in Jesus Christ

Who is Jesus Christ? Did he really exist? Does secular history attest to his existence? If he really existed, was he just an ordinary man? Is there any real evidence that he was more than just a man? And if he was more than just a man then what does that mean for you and me? In this presentation we attempt to answer these vitally important questions.

1000 Years of Peace
1000 Years of Peace

The Bible, particularly in the book of Revelation, describes a period of 1,000 years of peace, also known as the Millennium. There are many different ideas about what this period is, when it starts, what will happen in it and who will be alive during it. In this presentation we examine what the Bible says about this 1,000 year period.

The Sanctuary
The Sanctuary

After God rescued the Israelites from captivity in Egypt and after He gave them His Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, He then instructed them to build a portable sanctuary/tabernacle, so that He could dwell among them, and which they were to carry with them during their 40 years of wandering in the wilderness of Sinai. The sanctuary is thought by many to be just another Old Testament story that is irrelevant today. But in reality it is a detailed picture of the plan of salvation for all of humanity, specifically it shows how God deals with the problem of sin in mankind, and it reveals how we are to come to God to receive forgiveness and cleansing from sin.

What Jesus Said About the Sabbath
What Jesus Said About the Sabbbath

What is the Sabbath and why is it important? How can we know which day is the Sabbath? What do Jesus and the Bible say about this?

What Jesus Said About Baptism
What Jesus Said About Baptism

What is baptism and why is it important? When and how should a person be baptised? What do Jesus and the Bible say about this?

What Jesus Said About Death
What Jesus Said About Death

What happens when we die? Is there life after death? Is it possible to communicate with the dead? What do Jesus and the Bible say about this?

What Jesus Said About Hell
What Jesus Said About Hell

Is hell a real literal place where wicked people go when they die? Will God keep people burning and suffering in hell for eternity? What do Jesus and the Bible say about this?

What Jesus Said About Tradition
What Jesus Said About Tradition

Should followers of Christ be concerned with keeping traditions? What do Jesus and the Bible say about this?

What Jesus Said About Health
What Jesus Said About Health

Is it important for us to take care of our bodies? Does God care about our physical health as well as our spiritual health? What do Jesus and the Bible say about this?

The Seventh Day
The Seventh Day - Revelations from the Lost Pages of History

A sweeping documentary on the Biblical origin and history of the Seventh Day Sabbath. Host Hal Holbrook takes viewers back across the centuries to uncover the history of the Sabbath. This documentary series traces the evidence of ancient records as found in the archives and libraries of international scholarship. The story of the change of the Sabbath is enriched by the testimony of fifty historians and theologians from around the world. Together they provide a careful exposé of the epic battle over the Biblical Sabbath.